The 10 Commandments of Commercial Truck Insurance pt.2

Dec 11, 2019 in Insurance 101

Getting the right commercial trucking insurance is one of the best things you can do in order to grant your trucking business safety. But this doesn’t mean finding the right commercial trucking insurance is easy. No, it is not. Because, as we said in the first part of this list – the trucking insurance world is vast and there are many, many options for your business.

But if you want our ten cents on commercial trucking insurance, you can read the first part of this list. As a matter of fact, we encourage you to do this, because as the first commandment of reading states – “Read from the beginning”. So, follow this link here – “The 10 commandments of Commercial Truck Insurance pt.1” and then hurry back to learn which are the next five commandments of commercial truck insurance. We’ll wait.

6. Remember, insurance rates also depend on the kind of trucking your company does!

Your line of work is a huge factor when it comes to risk. And as we’ve mentioned before, insurance rates depend heavily on the risk your business represents in the eyes of insurance companies. Depending on the kind of trucking your company does, it faces different risks. Depending on those risks, your company will need different coverages. Depending on those coverages, your insurance rates will either rise or drop. Simple as that.

7. Do not file many small claims or your rates will go up!

Filing a lot of claims can get counterproductive real fast. Even if those claims are very, very small. If you file too many claims you risk your insurance rates to get high. Furthermore, you risk having your coverage get nonrenewed. In order to take measures about this, you should consider every minor loss you face. Is it worth filing a claim? Can you handle the costs on your own this time? Sure, it depends on the deductible, but you should think about these things first. A rule of thumb is to reserve your truck insurance for major losses only. You don’t want to have your insurance nonrenewed, trust us.

8. Speeding tickets spell “RISK” in the eyes of insurance agents!

Having no speeding tickets or accidents on your name always looks good in front of insurance agents and you will always get the best rates. This is because they see you as a safe driver. You drive safe, you don’t speed, you don’t text or talk on the phone while driving. Good for you! But of you have some speeding tickets, or worse – a lot of speeding tickets and even accidents in your MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) the insurance company will consider you a risky customer and the insurance rates for you will be higher than usual. So, keep you driving record safe and you will spend money.

9. If you get all of your coverages from the same insurance company – you will most probably get a discount and save money!

As we said before, commercial trucking faces a lot of different risks, so in order for you business to be fully protected, you will need more than one coverage. Sure, it may seem a good idea to get different coverages from different insurance companies, after all, this one has good rates on physical damage insurance, while this company has nice bobtail insurance rates, right? Well, not necessarily. It depends on your business, mostly. However, most of the times, insurance companies offer good discounts if you get multiple types of insurance from them. So you may end up with the better deal if you work with the same company.

10. Make the best decision for you, your family and your business!

Although getting a commercial truck insurance sounds like something you want be done with as soon as possible, don’t rush into it. Take your time, shop around, find the best rates. Find someone to find the best rates, maybe. Make sure you are making the best decision.

So, there you go, guys – the ten commandments of commercial trucking insurance. We are sure now you have a bit more knowledge about trucking insurance and you are a bit more prepared to get deeper into the insurance world. But if you want to do this with a trusted partner with lots of experience and good deals – you can always count on to offer you the best rates and coverages.