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Long Haul Trucker Owner Operator Insurance 101

Long Haul Trucker Owner Operator Insurance 101

Jan 16, 2017 in Insurance 101, Trucking Industry

Insurance – it’s needed for just about everything these days. You’ll need it on your personal car, truck or van to legally drive on the road. You’ll need it on your home. You’ll need it for your health. You might even have life insurance, gap insurance and more. If you’re a long haul owner operator, you’ll also need trucking insurance. There’s a lot to know here, and it’s vital that you get it right, or you could be left spending far more than you should, or even without crucial protection.

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Trump and Trucks - how does it look like? - Part 2

Trump and Trucks - how does it look like? - Part 2

Jan 06, 2017 in News, Regulations and road rules, Trucking Industry

As the day when Donald Trump will officially enter the White House (20 January) approaches it is impossible not to ask oneself what changes in the trucking industry will take place in the following months. has already followed how his presidency might affect the laws enforced my Obama’s administration with regards to safety. These are a few more key factors to keep in mind.

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Trump and Trucks - how does it look like? - Part 1

Trump and Trucks - how does it look like? - Part 1

Jan 04, 2017 in News, Regulations and road rules, Trucking Industry

The election of Donald Trump is like hitting the restart button for the truck industry. There a lot of safety issues that are about to be addressed.  Experts also believe that a new look at regulations in the truck industry will take place.  In fact, trucking companies are already expected to meet by the end of this year as a result of the deadline for electronic logging devices installment in trucks that tracks their working hours.

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A 5-Step Guide to Commercial Trucking  Insurance

A 5-Step Guide to Commercial Trucking Insurance

Jan 03, 2017 in Insurance 101, Trucking Industry

Navigating the complex world of commercial trucking insurance can be a major challenge. There are numerous pitfalls you have to avoid, and at the same time, select the right policy keeping in mind the requirements of your business. To make things easier for you, here’s a 5-step guide to commercial trucking insurance.

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Trucking Industry Best Practices

Trucking Industry Best Practices

Dec 29, 2016 in Tips and Tricks, Trucking Industry

Operating private trucking fleets has never been an easy job. In fact, many expert analysts in the US have asserted that compared to 10 years ago, it’s more time-consuming and complex to manage a successful trucking business. This can be owed to the increased scrutiny and regulatory laws that all trucking fleets – corporate private and for-hire – are facing.

Whether it’s a possible decrease in the hours of service a driver can work or the FMCSA’s efforts to get rid of potentially dangerous drivers, reduce air pollution, and document all safety-related contracts, trucking operators have never been faced with more confusing assortment of standards and rules.

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